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Swaziland Trip Pictures from Feb. 13 to 14 & Lesotho Trip Pictures from Feb. 21 to 22, 2008

To proceed to Swaziland & Lesotho Journal or Lesotho Photos from our 2009 Trip.

Our Route through SWAZILAND. Covered approx. 190km on the motorcycles.

Feb. 13, 2008. We entered from Mozambique & stayed at Hlane Royal National Park Campground.

Mike prepares supper over a gas stove in the kitchen facilities of the campground.

Our campsite for 150Rand/night ($20.00/night) including Park fees. We were the only occupants.

The restaurant/bar. During the night we heard lions roar.

Feb. 14, 2008. The campground borders this water hole,...

...where hippos hang out.

White Rhino skull.

Beside White Rhinos, Elephants, Hippos and Lions are present.

Ruby holds up a monkey skull.

Traditional stone/mud/straw house of Swaziland.

Our Route through LESOTHO. Covered approx. 220km on the motorcycles.

Feb. 21, 2008. We enter Lesotho from South Africa. The road at the bottom of Sani Pass.

As we continue to climb the pass the road conditions deteriorate.

Recent rains have exposed large river rocks.

Every corner has another surprise - Water crossing.

Mark makes his way through on his KTM 990.

He makes it look easy.

Looking back at the road we have come up.

Rest stop, before the steep tight switchbacks.

Once you start riding the last km of 30% gradients, there is no stopping.

Ruby stops for nothing,...

... teeth crunched together,...

...legs shaking she makes it to the top of Sani Pass.

Four happy riders at the top.

The SANI PASS is the only access route to Lesotho from KwaZulu Natal.

The pass ascends 1300m over 20km. Elevation 2865m.

The highest Pub in Africa.

We are glad we do not have to ride back down.

The Swaziland Border Post at the top.

Mark on the other hand had to return to Durban ...

... with his brother-in-law also on his KTM950.

We heard later that Mark had (4) flats on his KTM990 and left the bike at the bottom of Sani Pass.

Locals have blankets hanging over their shoulders to protect them from the harsh climate at this altitude.

Camping in the yard of the highest Pub in Africa (2897m) with a great view.

Ruby looks down on the Sani Pass Road.

The Roof of Africa Rally is held in Lesotho and one can see why.

Overlooking the Drakenberg Range.

The owner of the Pub informed us that he can not remember the last time the road had been this bad.

Lesotho claims to be the highest country in the world.

This picture gives a better idea of the steepness of the road.

Feb. 22, 2008. We leave the highest Pub of Africa. If you stay here do not miss their great supper.

Two (2) German travelers, who rented this camper...

... both also ride motorcycles in Germany.

From the Sani Pass we make our way to Mokhotlong,...

...passing through traditional villages.

Locals wear thick woolen blankets around their shoulders & rubber boots with woolly colorful socks pulled up to their knees.

The main transportations of the locals is bare back on a horse.

The road ahead climbs even further in elevation.

The scenery wind swept, no trees, a harsh environment to live.

A farm in the midst of this beautiful landscape.

Climbing another pass to 3255m elevation.

Due to its remoteness, a lot of culture and heritage can be found.

The scenery is amazing ...

... and we stop numerous times to take pictures.

Descending to Mapholaneng.

The Tlaeeng Pass at 3255m.

Descending the Moteng Pass to Joel's Drift (700m in 7km).