Our Route through SWAZILAND. Covered approx. 190km on the motorcycles.
Feb. 13, 2008. We entered from Mozambique & stayed at Hlane Royal National Park Campground. |
Mike prepares supper over a gas stove in the kitchen facilities of the campground. |
Our campsite for 150Rand/night ($20.00/night) including Park fees. We were the only occupants. |
The restaurant/bar. During the night we heard lions roar. |
Feb. 14, 2008. The campground borders this water hole,... |
...where hippos hang out. |
White Rhino skull. |
Beside White Rhinos, Elephants, Hippos and Lions are present.
Ruby holds up a monkey skull. |
Traditional stone/mud/straw house of Swaziland. |
Our Route through LESOTHO. Covered approx. 220km on the motorcycles.
Feb. 21, 2008. We enter Lesotho from South Africa. The road at the bottom of Sani Pass. |
As we continue to climb the pass the road conditions deteriorate. |
Recent rains have exposed large river rocks. |
Every corner has another surprise - Water crossing. |
Mark makes his way through on his KTM 990. |
He makes it look easy. |
Looking back at the road we have come up. |
Rest stop, before the steep tight switchbacks. |
Once you start riding the last km of 30% gradients, there is no stopping. |
Ruby stops for nothing,... |
... teeth crunched together,... |
...legs shaking she makes it to the top of Sani Pass. |
Four happy riders at the top. |
The SANI PASS is the only access route to Lesotho from KwaZulu Natal.
The pass ascends 1300m over 20km. Elevation 2865m. |
The highest Pub in Africa. |
We are glad we do not have to ride back down. |
The Swaziland Border Post at the top. |
Mark on the other hand had to return to Durban ... |
... with his brother-in-law also on his KTM950. |
We heard later that Mark had (4) flats on his KTM990 and left the bike at the bottom of Sani Pass. |
Locals have blankets hanging over their shoulders to protect them from the harsh climate at this altitude. |
Camping in the yard of the highest Pub in Africa (2897m) with a great view. |
Ruby looks down on the Sani Pass Road. |
The Roof of Africa Rally is held in Lesotho and one can see why. |
Overlooking the Drakenberg Range. |
The owner of the Pub informed us that he can not remember the last time the road had been this bad. |
Lesotho claims to be the highest country in the world. |
This picture gives a better idea of the steepness of the road.
Feb. 22, 2008. We leave the highest Pub of Africa. If you stay here do not miss their great supper. |
Two (2) German travelers, who rented this camper... |
... both also ride motorcycles in Germany. |
From the Sani Pass we make our way to Mokhotlong,... |
...passing through traditional villages. |
Locals wear thick woolen blankets around their shoulders & rubber boots with woolly colorful socks pulled up to their knees. |
The main transportations of the locals is bare back on a horse. |
The road ahead climbs even further in elevation. |
The scenery wind swept, no trees, a harsh environment to live. |
A farm in the midst of this beautiful landscape. |
Climbing another pass to 3255m elevation. |
Due to its remoteness, a lot of culture and heritage can be found. |
The scenery is amazing ... |
... and we stop numerous times to take pictures. |
Descending to Mapholaneng. |
The Tlaeeng Pass at 3255m. |
Descending the Moteng Pass to Joel's Drift (700m in 7km).